Tuesday, June 9, 2009

CSA Skillet Concoctions

I am the queen of "throw it in the skillet and call it a meal" cooking. Here are a few of my recent concoctions:

Vegetarian Taco Salad
Whole Food's 365 Everyday olive oil
green onions*
Swiss chard*
canned organic tomatoes
frozen corn
Morningstar Recipe Crumbles

Simply Organic taco seasoning
romaine lettuce*
cheddar cheese

Crestview Concoction
Whole Food's 365 Everyday olive oil
purple cabbage
green onion*
garlic powder
ground red pepper
penne pasta
Parmesan cheese

Kohlrabi Concoction
Whole Food's 365 Everyday olive oil
green onions*
kohlrabi leaves*
Swiss chard*
pizza seasoning
organic canned tomatoes
garlic salt
mozzarella cheese

For each recipe, simply saute the "hardest" veggies first, such as the radishes and kohlrabi until tender. Then add the spices, canned/frozen veggies until warm. Lastly, add the leafy veggies until slightly wilted. Top with cheese. Usually takes about 10 minutes.

I've found that as long as I have a few spices that I really like, and a bit of cheese, any veggie can taste good! (Except for beets. Still can't stand them. Sorry, beets.)

Note: Ingredients marked with an asterisk denote produce that was in season within the last few weeks and available through my CSA with Sippel Family Farm.

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