Sunday, May 3, 2009

Don't Litter?

When you have three cats, you can't help but litter! The problem with traditional cat litter, however, is that it is strip mined and not biodegradable.

Here are a few alternative brands that are made from environmentally friendly products or bi-products:

These cat litters are significantly more expensive than regular clay brands, but they have more than just environmental benefits:
  • They are not nearly as heavy as clay cat litter, which makes the task of going to the pet store in the middle of a snow storm a little more appealing.
  • They are dust-free, which means cleaner air and no layer of gray dust on all of your furniture.
  • They last longer (sometimes one to two weeks longer than clay litters), which means you don't have to clean out the litter box as often!
  • They are healthier for your cats.
  • Some can be flushed down the toilet, which means fewer trips to the garage or dumpster.
Now, to be fair, I haven't completely eliminated clay litters from my house, because I have one very picky cat who is quite vocal about which cat litters she will use. So I set out a litter box with clay litter in the space that she prefers, and use the alternative litters in areas where the other two cats feel most comfortable.

Note: When switching cat litters, be sure to mix the old litter with the new litter for a few weeks, until your cat gets used to the way the new litter smells and feels.


  1. Isn't the newspaper pellet litter also better?

  2. Oh, yes! I forgot about that one, probably because my kitties refuse to use it. But give it a try. Yesterday's News @

  3. I love how you define your cat as "picky." I try to think of mine as "selective." :-)

    Great post! This very topic has been on my mind for a while. I'm just too chicken to make the jump...but I'm feeling extra-inspired, now!
