Sunday, May 3, 2009

Plastic is Fantastic?

In a matter of a week, the same plastic cup crossed my path twice.

According to the manufacturers, NatureWorks, this cup is made from:

"Biopolymer that offers more disposal options and is more environmentally friendly to manufacture than traditional petroleum-based plastics. Derived from 100% annually renewable resources such as plants, our product, Ingeo™ natural plastic, made from NatureWorks’ biopolymer, is the world’s first polymer showing a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions."

Though I still think that most restaurants, such as Serendipity, could move away from plastic cups when customers are dining in, this seemed like a viable option for Ohio History Day, an event that was catered on the Columbus State campus.

Anyone know where to order these, or how pricey they are compared to the red and blue cups that overpopulate college campuses?

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