Friday, March 27, 2009

The Big O

Honey Nut O's, that is. What did you think I was talking about?

This is some tasty cereal, and I'm not much of a cereal gal. If you're looking for an alternative to Cheerios, Cascadian Farms' Honey Nut O's are a good option. I actually like them better than the Honey Nut Cheerios I've been craving thanks to Rhonda.

I found this box at Raisin Rack for around $4.


  1. I love your word plays, I'm always amazed at how well you fit it altogether! This reminds me of Felicity, season 1--when she buys the book "Gimme an O" and Megan says that was her favorite book in middle school.

  2. Cascadian Farms has a great rice crispies type cereal too with real dried strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. YUM!!
