Wednesday, January 7, 2009

2009 Green Resolutions

My green resolutions for 2008 included buying a composter (which I did and I love) and installing bamboo flooring (which I did and I love.)

Hopefully I will be just as successful with my 2009 green resolutions:
  • Buy a used bike (& actually ride it.)
  • Learn to can vegetables. (At least tomatoes.)
  • Do more volunteering.
What are your New Year's Resolutions?


  1. Oh! I will do all those things with you! Bike, volunteer and can!

  2. More volunteering sounds good...

    One of my two resolutions for 2009 is to see more live theater productions. I wonder if that is more "green" than going to the movies or watching a DVD at home?

  3. That's a good question! Driving time is an obvious factor. A borrowed DVD is greener than buying a DVD, Blue-Ray is greener than regular DVD format, In-Demand is greener than both of those.

    But as far as production waste for the actual performance, I would say live theater (especially local) is greener than any Hollywood production. Small theater groups do a lot of recycling and reuse for sets, often share venues, and are overall thrifty people.

    Oh goodness! My mind is awash with thoughts.

  4. I would venture to say that live theater also instills civic pride and tightens attendees' sense of community, which are important underpinnings for the all-important first step to greenness: caring. :)

  5. My resolution is so stop wasting time trying to find a tashcan, but to simply throw my garbage out the window..would you call that going red!? Haha, sorry I'm terribly sarcastic.
