Monday, January 19, 2009

Good Things Come in Green Packages

A lot of times, it's not as much about the eco-friendliness of the product, but more about the eco-friendliness of the packaging.

That's why I love it when I can get both!

Pattycake Bakery has debuted new packaging that is made from 100% recycled paper, soy-based inks, plant-based cellophane bags & eco-friendly adhesive. Whoa. I have hesitated buying their baked goods from Raisin Rack for this exact reason. Now I don't have to deny myself baked goodies!

In the same vein, Jeni's Ice Cream has switched to corn-based, compostable dishes. (Though I think they're still using the cute but deadly tiny plastic spoons for samples.

Though not totally green, I was also pleasantly surprised when I received my happiness-inducing new boots in the mail. I ordered them from Planet Shoes, which has an environmentally-friendly slant, and even allows for a carbon-offset option for shipping. The boots came in a huge box (as they are huge boots) that was made from 100% recycled paper and came with an eco-nutrition label.

Last, but not least, I have stumbled upon the best Swiffer alternative made by Method, people against dirty. Not only is their packaging green, it has a sense of humor too. The tagline for the omop is "making floors friendly to kids, pets and white tube socks since o-seven."

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