Monday, January 19, 2009

But I won't do that...

Just like the infamous Meatloaf song, I'd do anything for the environment, but I won't do that...

Here are the things I have yet to give up for the sake of the environment:
  • Long showers
  • Mountain Dew
  • My car (though I get points for the Hybrid)
  • Neutrogena face wash
  • Old Navy & other non-green clothes
What are you having trouble sacrificing for your love of the environment?


  1. Things I've been unable to do for the environment:

    take-out food and t.v. dinners
    letting maddy drink out of the faucet
    buy less clothes (although I still hold the swap!)
    go all organic (it's so expensive!)

  2. I have several similar things, and I'm sure more, if I thought about it.

    - microwave dinners
    - bath & beauty products (the recent Ideal Bite about those bad ingredients freaked me out, but I'm not quite ready to change some of my favorites)
    - long showers
    - art supplies (I'm pretty sure turpentine that has to be disposed of in a metal Hazardous Waste container is bad...)
