Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Green Laziness

I swear I'm not crazy. Green is the new lazy.

Though there are many environmentally-friendly tasks that take time and effort, here are a few tips for lazy people like myself:
  • Don't blow dry your hair. Saves energy.
  • Wear your clothes more than once. (Underwear and socks excluded.) Saves water and energy.
  • Lick your plate. Saves trying to find dessert and the dreaded task of pre-rinsing your dishes.
  • Don't cook as often. Eating raw foods saves energy and is more nutritious.
  • When you do cook, cook in bulk and then eat the rest throughout the week. Makes eating home-cooked meals much more appetizing after a long day at work. Oh, it also saves energy and packaging.
  • Hate grocery shopping? Go less often, combine your trips and buy in bulk. Saves packaging, gas and the wear-and-tear on your car.
  • Shop online. The energy used by big-box stores greatly outweighs the energy used to truck an item to your doorstep.
  • Take fewer showers. Saves water.
  • If possible, don't go to work. Telecommuting is greener than making the dreaded commute. And then you can avoid showering as well! (See above.)
  • Wait for a full load to run your dishwasher, washer, dryer, etc.
  • Keep your washer on the cold water setting. It saves energy and saves you the boring task of sorting your clothes.
Cheers to my day of being a couch potato.

1 comment:

  1. I will not be coming to work today due to my love of the environment. I will also be doing the public a favor due to my unwashed state. LOL! I love green laziness and am happy to contribute.
